
It is said that the heart is the primary organ of sensitivity that links the human instrument to the non-physical dimension of the higher self. If we accept this idea as a working hypothesis, then it becomes obvious that we must learn to tune into the signals detected by the heart if we want to be effective in our practice. The energetic heart is “wired” into what the Lyricus Teaching Order (LTO) calls Underivative Information Structures.

Across all dimensions of space there exists a primary field of vibration or quantum primacy. This field is non-physical but informs the physical. It exists independent of the physical structures of existence, and is known among Lyricus teachers as the Underivative Information Structures (UIS). 
UISs are sub-quantum and represent the primary blueprint for living systems and inorganic matter. It is UIS that gives rise to the quantum fields that interpenetrate planets, stars, galaxies, and the universe at large. It is the communication field of life that connects the nonlocal and the local, the individual and the collective, the one and the infinite. The energetic heart is the non-physical component of UIS that is the entryway or portal from UIS to the intuitive and intelligence centers of the soul carrier or human instrument. In a sense, it is the subquantum blueprint of the physical heart.

As this extract explains, the energetic heart is the primary detector of incoming signals from outside the spacetime world of our third-dimensional reality. Most of our waking hours are spent with concerns coming from the outside, third-dimensional plane. The “noise level” of the objective world, however, overpowers the “sound” from the subjective world being detected by the energetic heart.
Simply stated, the sounds generated by the higher frequencies (often called spiritual) are steady and continuous, but our human third-dimensional equipment does not easily detect them. Our human instruments are designed to pick up signals coming from many of the higher frequencies as well as those of the spacetime dimension. However, because our dominant learning environment as a species is based in a third-dimensional spacetime world, we (except for a few), have not focused on developing the sensitivity to access the higher frequencies and dimensions that surround and interpenetrate our world.

Ironically, our existence in the spacetime dimension has, in part, created the very situation we are now working to correct because it has given birth to the separated ego-personality with all of its blocking filters. Emotional self-mastery is part of the process of infusing the separated ego-personality with the spiritual energy of the soul via the energetic heart. In effect, we are spiritualizing matter and materializing spirit.

Returning to our main point, there is a dimension, frequency, plane, or world of the emotions that we are immersed in every day. We detect these frequencies as feelings of happiness or sorrow, anger or contentment, fear or love. We take such feelings for granted. They are the normal moods of our daily existence. But what if we could develop a sensitivity by which we could detect the actual energy flows of these emotions? This valuable feedback would allow us to “see and hear” in a new way and open up a vast field of study and learning that would facilitate our mastery of these powerful forces within us.

“Living from the Heart” suggests that these higher senses may be close to emerging in us as the next stage of our species’ evolution. The when-which-how technique may be one of the methods by which we develop these higher senses. Through our practice of when-which-how, a new sensitivity develops in us that allows us to work intelligently with the six heart virtues. This sensitivity enables us to detect the absence or lack of any heart virtues that are needed for healing, rebalancing, and revitalizing any situation. The sensitivity of the heart to the habitat of soul is the key to our future spiritual evolution.

We simply have to learn how to make the connection between it and our waking consciousness. Therefore, we need to develop our natural emotional sensitivity to the heart, just as the heart is naturally sensitive to the soul. In this way we can develop an unimpeded line of transmission between our higher self in non-spacetime and our personality self in spacetime via the energetic heart. The first step for accomplishing this great work is through the practice of when-which-how.

The sensitivity we need to enhance has nothing to do with being sensitive to criticism. It has nothing to do with being “thin-skinned” or easily upset by people or events. It is not about being sentimental, teary-eyed, or effusive. No. This sensitivity means that we are insightful, aware, and in-touch with any encounter that crosses our path. This is a sensitivity that can instantly detect the need for love within ourselves or others when that love is being closed off, blocked out, or obscured by the dense clouds of habit, ignorance, ego, and fear. The sensitivity of the heart detects the inflowing of the soul’s love as it radiates outward from the multi-dimensional planes of the all-pervasive universal energy field of God.

Our practice will open this flow for all of us as our human instruments develop their sensitivity to the energetic heart and sense when, which, and how to apply the six heart virtues.