
Understanding is interesting. For me it seems to be the most obvious of the virtues (or maybe the only one) that bridges the heart and mind. For, there are definitely at least two forms of understanding. One is understanding that 1+1=2 or understanding the meaning of a word. The second is understanding how someone “feels” about a situation or condition. This latter definition is the heart connection, while the former is the mind connection.

Understanding is also more dimensional than knowledge. I can have knowledge of something and yet not understand it, but I cannot have understanding of something without knowing (having knowledge) about it.

Understanding has depth and levels when applied to information and knowledge. In turn, the conclusions drawn from each level of understanding are relative truths. Truth is absolute relative to its own level, but ever changing as new knowledge and new understanding create truth that is more accurate relative to the previous “truth” or conclusion. The question is, “What drives the desire to seek more accurate information and knowledge?” This, I believe, is the heart or soul.

To begin to understand another person we must have knowledge about the person. As we gain more information, we can begin to understand that person better. Despite this knowledge, understanding cannot move forward without our ability to move beyond the framework of our own “position” as an individual. This is the ego-personality position. We cannot be objective if we are not able to decentralize our sense of self. Consequently, our understanding will be limited and likely distorted.

This means that our conclusions or truth about “the other” will be incomplete or even prejudiced without the heart, because it is the nature of the heart to be in contact with the “other.”
What does it mean to have knowledge as opposed to having understanding? Is “I know” the same as “I understand”?

So, we can think in the head and/or think in the heart. However, thinking is not sensing. Sensing is related to consciousness, but we don’t necessarily have to be conscious in order to sense. However, I believe sensing with full attention is a powerful mode of awareness. It is the secret of creativity and management of life experience. The question is, where should our attention be located when we are sensing? Should it be in the head or in the heart?